I heard, that some writes, when asked how they became writers, answer that they started writing because there was nothing to read.
As for me, I decided to write this application because I found all other apps insufficiently inconvenient.
Reading original books is great. Few would argue that during translation, even the most beautiful one, the source text loses some meanings and the author's style, and generally becomes some other, separate work created on the basis of the original.
So, why read in English if you are non-native English speaker? It just so happened that now it is the main language of mass culture. Yes, there are wonderful works in any language, but there are many times fewer of them. In addition, most people know at least the basics of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the English language, unlike, for example, Chinese or Indian. So the choice is made, it remains to understand what is wrong with existing solutions and why the world needs a one more app.
If you take a sentence in English and translate it literally, you will often get a complete nonsense. The fact is that the text consists not just of words, but also of phrasemes, idioms, special vocabulary and other language constructions, which are impossible to recognize when translating a text "head-on", using a dictionary, comparing words one-to-one.
There is also the other extreme - parallel translations. Here is a sentence in English, and here is one in Russian. It would seem to be a great idea - you can read English and understand everything. But it doesn't work like that. It's like continuing to drive with an instructor after getting your driver's license, knowing that he has his feet on the pedals and will always help you out if you need anything, and he also tells you where to go and where it's better to turn around.
Modern technology gives us a unique opportunity - instant access to information. All we have to do is choose what we want to know. Click on a word to find out its translation. Highlight a phrase and learn its definition. Pick a sentence and you get the meaning. The only question is what you want.
So, this app is not the kind of app that teaches you how to read. It won't put you on its neck to take you for a ride, but it will give you a shoulder to lean on to keep you from falling, it will give you the rod, not just a fish, it will support you until you realize that you can read in English as easy as in your native languauge.